Wishing all of you visiting our website a warm welcome to our exceptional school!
Welcome to Kitchener Primary where every decision is based on the best interests of the children, we will always put the children first.
The children are kind and considerate, they always take an interest in each other, care for each other, are affectionate and love learning! They respect each other and all adults.
Kitchener Primary is a large, multicultural school which celebrates the diversity of the Riverside area of Cardiff. Over 90% of our children come from ethnic minority backgrounds and there are over 35 different languages spoken which makes Kitchener Primary an exciting place to teach and learn! We value all of our cultures and celebrate how unique and different we all are. Engaging the community through strong communication is something we feel very passionately about. We are a school within a community, the school is not only for our children but also for all of our families. We aim to provide a learning environment where children feel safe and happy, where they are able to feel connected to others, form healthy positive relationships and where our children learn to love learning. The wellbeing of our children and staff and high-quality teaching and learning are top priorities for us at Kitchener. You are most welcome to arrange a visit and the children and staff would happily show you around our amazing school.
Mrs Reena Patel Headteacher